Saturday, July 10, 2010

Hello from Ireland, Keri here!!! Let me first start off by saying, I miss everyone very much and I cannot wait to see everyone again, especially my family! :) It's 8 days into our trip now and there's a lot that's happened (especially funny things), but since everyone has done so well in keeping you updated with that, I thought i would just share with you some of my thoughts.

Today our cordinator for this trip was on a walk through Dublin with Lauren and I on our search for fish and chips. When the beach was in sight and we were approaching our destination, she asked us what we have learned on this trip or what our experiences have been. Do to the lack of time, I didn't really ever get to share...but it definitly got me thinking! There is soo much I've learned from this trip however, one thing in particular really sticks out to me! Back at home our motto is Loving God/Loving People, and we are constantly reminded to look at things like a newcomer. This was always something I knew was important, but how was I suppost to know what that feels like? I grew up here! Coming here allowed me to be put in that position and help answer a few questions.

However, rather then discovering all these things I could come back with and maybe help solve potential issues, I was instead blown away by the spirit of perfection these sweet people attained. I was never at a loss for welcoming, direction, influence, or even the one that is special to me, company. :) They are some of the nicest people I've met in awhile! I don't really think it would be fare to just say that it's there culture though, because we came across plenty of people who could of done with out us there and made it known. No, they are different for a reason. It's important to them so they are making the extra effort to be that way, and I'm blown away by there kindness! I came looking for questions we could help answer at Woodlake, instead I found an incredible roll models. Don't you love how God knows what we need more than us? :)

We all know every trip isn't without it's hick-ups and we've had our fare share... but what we have all gotten out of it far out ways those little things! This trip has been a huge blessing to say the least! :)


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